
Sections within the reviews explained:

Note: You can quickly access a section in a review by clicking on the section heading in the table of contents at the top of the page.

If you just want a very quick summary of the tank, click the “Overall” section in a review It gives a quick rating (0- bad, 5- average, 10- extremely good) and a short overview of stats.

Each review will break down every part there is to know about the tank, including special points of tanks which may often be ignored or brushed over.

Armour analysis:
Shows the tank’s in-game armour profile against common penetration level in that tier (which are HT and MT guns). If tank’s have extremely poor/good armour, it will be shown against higher/lower penetration, to show the limit of its armour profile.
All armour numbers are taken as effective values, not accounting for normalization.
The analysis of the armour is always below the armour image, and this does account for normalization. The analysis is based on experience playing the tank, playing against the tank, and testing the tank’s armour.

Facing against —– tank:
Some reviews will have a section for how to deal with that certain tank as an enemy, usually showing hidden weakpoints or exploits on the armour.
Not all reviews have this section.

Gun stats:
Just going over gun stats of a fully equipped tank, using in game stats (mainly for the aim time being different in-game vs on Blitzhangar/Blitzstars).
This part will point out any generally ignored points, such as shell velocity, penetration loss over distance, hidden gun depression angles, and gun arc (for TDs).

Mobility stats:
This will show a tanks actual mobility versus the mobility that the in-game stats show. Hidden statistics may make a tank’s mobility better/worse than it seems in game. Mobility is also relative to armour, so sometimes this must also be considered.

This section is for equipping the tank with the correct consumables, provisions, and equipment that are most beneficial to the tank.
Each tank needs to be equipped differently, and each equipment piece may affect tanks differently, so explanations of their benefits are given.

Tank HP is always discussed in this section, not other sections.

-If a piece of equipment is not specified, then it means that the choice is up to the player, or the choice is obvious (such as, you should never use camo net on a heavy tank).
-If provisions/consumables aren’t specified, then it means you should use the standard setup. 3% food, 10% food, 10% fuel for provisions;  and adrenaline, large repair kit, small repair kit for consumables.

The review will specifically state what provisions/consumables to use if its different from this.

Gameplay advice:
This section is mainly for the general overview of the gameplay. Most players should know how to play “generic” versions of tanks, but some tanks may have some very specific gameplay advantages/disadvantages that you can use/avoid in battle. This section is also for players who may have never played that particular tank class before, or are just generally new to the game.

A summary of stats and what was said in the review.
A rating between 0-10 is given for various aspects of the stats.

0 being very poor/bad in a statistical area, 5 being average/normal, and 10 being extremely good.

Is it worth it:
This is for players who are considering buying a premium tank, and don’t know if a particular tank will suit them, is the tank good, is the tank fun, etc. This section will determine this and put an overall value on the tank, this value is NOT what the tank usually costs in-store, but rather a value to show how much the tank is worth from a gameplay, strength, and fun perspective.

Most recently sold for:
This shows the most recent prices that tanks have been sold for in the game store. There may not be a price here if the tank was reviewed with no recent sales, or if the tank was only obtainable through an event.

Camo cost:
Shows the camouflages that the tank has, these camos are exclusive to the tank and cannot be mounted on any other tank. It will also show the cost of each camo.

Historical note:
Not all reviews have this yet, but this section lets you know if a tank was real or not, and if not, how realistic of a representation it may be.

Note that all reviews are taken from the perspective of the recommended loadouts for equipment, etc. Not using the recommended loadouts may achieve different (often worse, unless otherwise stated) results. Many tanks have varying loadouts where multiple options can work, in other cases there is only one correct choice as it is just flat out better for that particular tank.

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