Combat Power II Equipment

These pieces of equipment improve your gun’s performance. Players generally refer to these as GLD and Supercharger/Supercharged shells.

  1. Enhanced Gun Laying Drive
  2. Supercharger
  3. Best Equipment Choice

Enhanced Gun Laying Drive

What does it do? 
-10% to base aim time

What does this mean?
This makes your base aim time better. It means that the aiming circle will get smaller in a shorter amount of time.
Unlike the Vertical Stabilizer, this DOES improve your tank’s  actual aim time, rather than the estimate.

Why is this useful?
Better aim time allows your tank to be more versatile and better protected. It means that you are able to take shots faster rather than having aim in for a long time, which can allow you to pull into cover before enemies have even finished aiming at you.

What tanks to use Gun Laying Drive on?
Most tanks in the game.
The only exception to this would be if a tank has terrible shell velocity, and using Supercharger would allow your tank to hit more shots. Otherwise, the GLD is a much better option.
See below for which tanks are the exception to this.


What does it do?
+30% to shell velocity
-50% to penetration loss over distance (for AP and APCR)

What does this mean?
This equipment allows your shots to hit the enemy faster and more consistently. Some tanks have slow-flying shells which can make leading your shots quite difficult.

What tanks to use Supercharger on?
Tanks with very slow shells, generally around the 600m/s mark, or tanks with very high penetration loss over distance (you can check this stat on Blitzhangar or Gamemodels3d).

Best Equipment Choice

Which Equipment piece is the better choice?
You can only take 1 of these 2 equipment pieces on a tank.

The GLD is by far the best choice on most tanks. Not many tanks have poor shell velocity, and even if they do, many tank engagements don’t happen over a very long distance, especially with Blitz’s small maps. 

Some possible tanks that you might want to use Supercharger on:
-Churchill Mark VIII, having the lowest velocity in game on all 3 of its shell types, but having great base aim time.

-SP I C, having the lowest velocity in tier 7, and being a fast light which often has to shoot at enemies from the other flank, also with a great base aim time.

-Chieftain Mark 6, being a support heavy tank and not a frontline brawler, having poor penetration loss at distance on both standard and premium ammo, having the lowest velocity in tier 10 on its HESH ammo, constantly using its HESH ammo due to good penetration, and having great base aim time.


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