Combat Power III Equipment

These pieces of equipment improve your gun’s accuracy. Players generally refer to these as v-stabs/vert-stabs and refined gun/refined.

  1. Vertical Stabilizer
  2. Refined Gun
  3. Best Equipment Choice

Vertical Stabilizer

What does it do? 
-15% to all types of dispersion-on-movement

What does this mean?
This equipment basically makes your gun much more accurate while moving and after you stop moving.
Dispersion-on-Movement (or gun handling) is a Dispersion factor added to your gun when you either move forward/backward, turn the hull, or turn the turret ( when you move, your aim circle gets bigger).

This does NOT make your tank have better aim time.
In the garage it will show you getting better “aim time” when using this equipment, which is misleading. This only represents an estimate for how long your tank will have to aim, and since +15% to gun handling makes your tank more accurate, so technically you have to aim for less time.

Why is this useful?
This basically means you will be more accurate in all situations when you don’t have time to fully aim your shot.
Improving the gun handling is beneficial to all tanks that have to move often in battle but don’t need to snipe often, so basically every tank that’s not a sniping TD

What tanks to use Vertical Stabilizer on?
Tanks with bad Gun Handling, tanks with good dispersion at 100m, and tanks with bad aim time. This is basically every LT, MT, and HT.
An exception to this would be a tank with long aim time, but great gun handling, such as the Bourrasque (it really doesn’t need better gun handling and would benefit from better Dispersion at 100m).

Refined Gun

What does it do?
-10% to Dispersion at 100m

What does this mean?
Dispersion at 100m is the size of your aiming circle, so the smaller (lower number) it is, the better your accuracy.

Why is this useful?
It means that you will be able to hit more shots when your reticle is fully aimed in (as in your tank has completely stopped moving and the aiming circle stops shrinking).

This is very useful for tanks that don’t have to move very much in battle, as taking this equipment means your Gun Handling will not be improved (that makes you less accurate when you do move).

What tanks to use Refined Gun on?
Tanks that have got great aim time and/or gun handling, but not so great dispersion.
Also tanks that need to snipe a lot, such as sniping TDs.

Best Equipment Choice

Which Equipment piece is the better choice?
You can only take 1 of these 2 equipment pieces on a tank.

Vertical Stabilizer is usually the better choice on all LT, MT, and HT. The reason for this is that these tank roles are very active on the battlefield, they don’t sit still for long periods of time being fully aimed in. Often you’re moving around, and this movement makes your gun’s accuracy worse; and since you generally don’t have the time to aim, and generally are not at long range, so improving this accuracy on move is better than long range accuracy.

The only exception would be which have amazing gun handling, but quite poor dispersion at 100m.

Sniping TDs benefit the most from using Refined Gun, since they won’t be moving around the battlefield too much and having a smaller aiming circle will be especially useful when shooting from a distance. 
Support TDs in an active role (if not sniping) and Assault TDs (which generally have horrendous Gun Handling) should use Vertical Stabilizer.

Dispersion-on Movement is a hidden statistic and it won’t show in game, you can check your tanks Dispersion-on-Move at these websites: Blitzhangar, Blitzstars, or GameModels3D.

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