Super Conqueror

Super Conqueror is a British tier 10 heavy tank which features great armour, a standard 120mm gun, and decent mobility. This tank is the very definition of a “heavy tank”, just a typical tank with typical characteristics.

  1. Armour
  2. Gun
  3. Mobility
  4. Equipment, provisions, & consumables
  5. Gameplay advice
  6. Overall
  7. Is it worth getting?
  8. Most recently sold for:
  9. Historical Note:


(The Super Conqeror in the images is using Improved Assembly)
Image slider may take a few seconds to load

Drag slider right -> to view 255mm AP
Drag slider <- left to view 330m HEAT

When flat and facing head-on:

Upper plate 306-330mm
Lower plate 160mm
Turret cheeks next to gun 295-310mm
Turret cheeks 380-640mm+
Cupola 248mm auto-ricochet

vs 255mm AP (top image), 330mm HEAT (bottom image)
Using -10 gun depression

Upper plate 420-475mm auto-ricochet
Turret cheeks next to gun 310-320mm
Turret cheeks 400-1000mm+
Cupola is hidden

VS both tier 9 & 10 tanks:
The Super Conqueror has a simple armour profile that performs identically against all enemies it faces.

The lower plate is weak to all tanks, it can.t even be angled due to how thin it is.

The upper plate and turret are impenetrable to all HT, MT, and LT standard ammo. Only premium ammunition with over 310mm can go through the turret weakpoints (bottom left and right of the gun).

The hatch is only weak to premium ammo, and its very small and hard to hit.

The spaced armour areas of the tank should not be shot at due to how unreliable enemy ammunition will perform against it. If enemies do shoot here, generally nothing will penetrate, as it fully absorbs HEAT, and greatly reduces AP and APCR’s effectiveness due to having decent distance to the base armour.


The Super Conqueror mounts a 120mm gun

-Alpha damage is 400 on AP, 340 on APDS, and 515 on HE
-It has a 8.2s reload giving it 2938 DPM
-Penetration on AP is 252mm, premium APDS is 320mm, and HESH is 85mm.
-Aim time is 3.5s/3.9s
-Dispersion is 0.353/0.318
Gun handling is 0.12/0.12/0.1, or 0.1/0.1/0.09 with Vertical Stabilizer.
-Gun depression is -10 degrees

Super Conqueror’s ammo:
Good shell velocity of 1067m/s, with average penetration loss over distance of 7.94%. So every 100m of distance, these shells lose 5mm of penetration (up to 500m, where penetration levels off at 232mm).

High velocity of 1,334m/s, and low shell drop off over distance of 8.75%, meaning every 100m of distance, these shells only lose 7mm of penetration (up to 500m, where penetration levels off at 320mm)

Good shell velocity of 1067m/s, great damage of 515, great penetration of 85mm

Super Conqueror’s HESH ammo:

-This is standard ammo, so doesn’t cost credits

-When using HESH the Super Conqueror has 4670 DPM

-This shell type does not lose penetration over distance

The gun of the Super Conqueror is quite a strange weapon, as its balanced in a quite unusual way. The dispersion and base aim time are both terrible, however its balanced out by the best gun handling of any heavy tank in game; which actually gives it decent aim time and accuracy. The gun also hardly blooms out when moving, as the gun handling is so good.

Other than that, the DPM is decent, alpha damage is average, and penetration is good. Super Conqueror has typically good gun depression and very nice HESH to increase its flexibility and damage dealing capability.
(Note that its HESH shells have increased penetration compared to regular HE shells, but are lower penetration than most other HESH shells in the game)


-Top speed is 36km/h forwards, and -16km/h in reverse
-Traverse speed is 36 deg/s on hard terrain, and 30.4 deg/s on medium terrain.
-In game acceleration rate is shown as 14.4 hp/t, it has decent 1112hp engine for its 77 ton weight.
-Actual acceleration rate is 13.1 hp/t on hard terrain, and 11.1 hp/t on medium terrain.
Terrain resistances are decent, having 1.1/1.3/2.3

Overall the mobility of the Super Conqueror is decent. It hasn’t got anything amazing to stand out, but its also not bad in any regard. The top speed is average, reverse speed is nice, acceleration rate is quite decent, and traverse speed is decent.

Equipment, provisions, & consumables

Super Conqueror has no special provisions or consumables.

Gun Rammer:
As the Super Conqueror has already very good penetration on all of its ammunition types, and it does not have poor penetration loss over distance, so there is no need to increase the penetration of this tank.

Use gun rammer instead, as while the DPM of the tank is decent, its not above average. Gun rammer will improve the reload from 8.8s down to 8.2s, and the DPM from 2733 up to 2938.

Improved Assembly:
Don’t use enhanced armour on the Super Conqueror, as the tank’s front is covered almost completely in spaced armour. The base armour behind the spaced armour is already strong, so  enhanced armour would only really benefit the small area around the gun.

As the turret area around the gun is already a small weakpoint, and is the only area that enhanced armour would benefit, its not worth using it over improved assembly, which gives the tank an additional 147 HP.

Use improved assembly will increase the tank’s base HP from 2450 up to 2597. This is far more beneficial to the tank than enhanced armour is, just due to how little difference enhanced armour makes on the Super Conqueror.

Vertical Stabilizer/Refined Gun:
Either of these are valid options for the Super Conqueror, however, first start playing the tank by using vertical stabilizer, as it should be the default equipment for any heavy tank, and does still have significant benefits on this tank.

Refined gun will improve the tank’s accuracy if it has time to aim in its shots, giving it a 0.318 dispersion value (rather than the 0.353 it would have otherwise).

Vertical stabilizer will improve the tank’s accuracy if it does not have time it fully aim in every shot, and is constantly moving and not sitting still (this is why you should start by using vertical stabilizer, as the Super Conqueror sports an active playstyle, rather than passive). It will improve the tank’s dispersion-on-move from 0.12 when traversing and moving, and 0.1 when turning the turret; down to 0.1 when traversing and moving, and 0.085 when turning the turret.

Start playing the tank with vertical stabilizer, if you really feel its too inaccurate, then switch to the refined gun after a few battles and see if that suits you more.

Gameplay advice

The Super Conqueror is a generic/standard heavy tank. Its the heavy tank that has some of everything, and its the kind of tank you think of when the you think about “heavy tanks” in general.

It has a generic heavy tank playstyle. Go to the heavy tank front, go hulldown, sidescrape, angle, use your armour in any way; and use the decent gun to put out reliably and consistent damage. Your mobility is enough to get you around the battle, but its not anything super impressive.

Its playstyle is really quite simple and comfortable, and its not hard to get used to at all.

Use gun depression and ridgelines:
The Super Conqueror does have good armour even on flat ground, however if you go hulldown it removes the largest weakpoint of the tank, which is its lower plate.

When the lower plate is hidden (whether its by being hulldown or using gun depression) the only weakpoints that enemies can shoot are to the bottom left and right of the gun, and these are quite small weakpoints. Keep moving back and fourth, or just retreat into cover as soon as you shoot. Don’t give enemies time to aim at your weakpoints.

HESH is a special shell that this tank has, and it should be used whenever possible. It has a great 515 damage and 85mm penetration, meaning the sides of many tanks are penetrable (not tanks like Maus or IS-4, but tanks like Kranvagn or M-VI-Yoh), and the rears of most tanks. If you don’t utilize HESH on this tank, then its a lot less fun to play and is taking away one of its unique strengths.

Angle or sidescrape:

The side armour is a quite strong 127mm thick, and the tracks also count as 25mm module armour. This makes the Super Conqueror actually good at angling and sidescraping.

Be aware that there is a small outcrop under the turret ring which is weak. The visual elements (storage boxes) on the tank’s side are also grey, which makes it hard to see this weakpoint.


Armour – 9.5/10
Gun – 7/10
Mobility – 6/10
Speed – 5.5/10

Super Conqueror is overall a great tank.

Armour is very good on all areas except the lower plate. Weakpoints are few and very small. HE/HESH protection is high, armour easy to use, and can be angled/sidescraped.
Gun has great gun depression and penetration. Gun handling is amazing, but aim time and dispersion are poor. DPM & reload are average.
Mobility is good, a decent engine and acceleration rate, with decent traverse speeds. Reverse speed is good.
Speed is fairly average, 36km/h.

In general this is just a great all-round vehicle, and it can just perform reliably in battle.

Is it worth getting?

The Super Conqueror is definitely worth considering. Though technically it may look more boring than some tech tree tanks, as its just more generic; it is something that no other tier 10s can really offer.

Super Conqueror is just a reliable and consistent tank that can do well on any map due it its well rounded nature. It can block enemy shells in any situation, it has great gun depression, its gun and mobility are both reliable and sufficient.

Any player can do well in this tank as it just has good enough everything to allow all players to perform. Even if you have never played a heavy tank before, the Super Conqueror is one of the most user friendly heavy tanks.
Consider buying this tank if you really loved the old T110E5, or you just really like consistent and reliable heavy tanks, that are great in every situation.

The Super Conqueror is worth 22,500 gold. Its a good tank, quite strong, its user friendly and easy to play and get the hang of, its quite fun to play and fairly unique in the fact there isn’t anything quite as all-round in its stats in tier 10.

Ironically, even though this is probably the most “generic and standard” heavy tank in tier 10, its the only one in the tier. All other heavies are specialized in certain areas of their stats, and the Super Conqueror now remains the last “generic heavy”.
Its actually rather unique, in the sense that there isn’t any other heavy in tier 10 that is as well-rounded or as generic as as this.

Most recently sold for:

17,500 gold (Starting price), 13,000 gold (Final price) in Auction – August 2023

“Rex” camo: 2D, costs 2,550 gold.

Historical Note:

The Super Conqueror has multiple inaccuracies, but was largely a real tank.

Its name is incorrect. Super Conqueror was not a name given to any British tank, its just a false name, not made by WG as it had already been associated with the test range Conqeror tank before it came into the game.

The added spaced armour on the hull and turret are from the “test range Conqueror”, it was meant to simulate a “future enemy heavy tank”, and had ATGM missiles fired at it to test the missile capability.
This test tank was never intended to enter battle, as it was not the tank being tested, it was the missiles.

The turret is the turret proposal for an upgrade to the Conqueror, it was never intended to be mounted on this test range tank, nor be given spaced armour.

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