
WZ-114 is a Chinese tier 9 collector heavy tank. It features tier 10 levels of HP, strong armour, great gun depression, and a very reliable gun with high alpha. It has relatively sluggish traverse and top speed in exchange for its high level of durability.

  1. Armour
  2. Playing against a WZ-114
  3. Gun
  4. Mobility
  5. Provisions & consumable loadout
  6. Equipment loadout
  7. Gameplay advice
  8. Tank gameplay:
  9. Overall
  10. Is it worth getting?
  11. Most recently sold for:
  12. Historical Note:


(The WZ-114 in the images is using Improved Assembly)

Drag slider right -> to view 248mm AP
Drag slider <- left to view 310mm HEAT

Armour when flat and facing head-on:
Upper plate 315-390mm
Lower plate 205mm
Angled lower plate sides 380mm
Turret 270-580mm+ (weakpoint left of gun 280mm)
Hatch 192mm

vs 240mm AP 
Armour when angled:
Upper plate 330-410mm
Lower plate 218mm
Angled lower plate side 246mm (right side)

Angling the WZ-114 does not actually benefit the tank (against 235mm+ pen). It allows enemies to both track and damage your tank, and it makes the lower plate “larger”.
Due to the 2 angled sides of the lower plate, angling the tank actually makes the closest angled side weaker, making it a larger target.
However, at this angle its still effective against tier 8 tanks, as it makes the lower plate stronger, and that closest angled side is still 246mm thick.

vs 300mm HEAT
Using -9 gun depression

Upper plate 490-600mm
Turret 300-600mm+ (weakpoint left of gun 285mm)
Hatch 201mm

Note how the area on the left of the gun is covered by a visual element. It shows up as grey against 240mm penetration and 300mm penetration, even though the 240mm can’t go through.

VS tier 8: 
Very few tier 8 tanks will struggle against the WZ-114’s lower plate. Taking into account AP normalization, the lower plate is only 187mm thick when you face an enemy head on. Only very few tier 8 medium and light tanks have under 190mm of penetration, but if you angle the WZ-114 slightly, you can bounce more shots from low penetration tier 8 tanks (175-200mm penetration level). The hatch on top is a similar thickness to the lower plate, so the same concept applies.
Higher penetration tier 8 tanks (215-230mm) will easily go through the lower plate most of the time. Trying to hide the hatch and lower plate are the best ways to avoid being penetrated by these, as even when angling the tank, most shots will penetrate.
In hulldown the tank is practically invincible. Other than its hatch, no tier 8 tank can reliably penetrate the hull or turret. 

VS tier 9: 
The upper plate and turret are still invincible to tier 9 opponents. Most heavy tanks will have enough penetration to penetrate the small weakpoint on the left of the gun, but it may be hard for enemies to recognize, as it stays “grey” against all ammo types, even when they can’t penetrate.
Tanks with 330-340mm HEAT could also aim for the back part of the left turret cheek, but to penetrate reliably, they would need good accuracy or be in close range.
There’s no point angling the hull against tier 9 tanks, as most of them have 230-250mm of standard penetration and will easily go through the lower plate regardless of its angle.
Hide lower plate behind cover and try to cover the hatch with the tank’s gun (shown bellow), do that and nothing will penetrate the tank.

VS tier 10: 
Tier 10 is essentially the same as tier 9, nothing can penetrate the upper plate, the turret is still essentially invincible except for its hatch and hidden weakpoints, and there’s no use trying to angle for the lower plate. 

Playing against a WZ-114

Hidden weakspots:
Note that these are all very strong for “weakpoints”, and are also all smaller than the hatch, but if a 114 player covers their hatch, you can try aim for these.

Hidden weakpoints:
-The machine gun port on the left of the gun a visual element, so it always shows grey, this area is essentially flat armour and can be penetrated with about 290mm of penetration or 300mm if the WZ-114 is using enhanced armour.

-The back part of the turret cheek is also partially hidden behind a visual element (infrared light), this area can be penetrated with about 285mm of penetration, or 295mm if the enemy 114 is using enhanced armour.

-The viewport on the upper right part of the turret is also a weakpoint, its mostly 290-305mm thick, but the small triangle part that extends down the turret slightly is as weak as 195mm.

Enhanced armour:
Its very hard to tell if a WZ-114 player is using enhanced armour, as it can use sandbag armour provisions. If an enemy 114 has 2200, 2266, 2332,or 2398 HP, they may be using enhanced armour. If you see an enemy WZ-114 with 2464 or 2530 HP, then they are using improved assembly.

This is important to be able to tell if you can reliably penetrate its weakpoints, on the WZ-114, enhanced armour can add 10-20mm of effective armour onto the weakpoints, and as some are hidden, you can’t rely on the armour highlights.

Side armour:

vs 248mm AP
-Note how far the tank is angled for the lower plate to finally become red

The sides of the WZ-114 are similar to an IS-3 or IS-7, but less troll. They are angled inwards and have spaced armour covering them.

The side armour can eat many shots, but only on the upper part (much like an IS-3, but its less reliable). While you can shoot that red area and the shot may penetrate, its not reliable, so try to avoid shooting there.

In a facehug situation:

vs 240mm AP

Upper plate 300-320mm (edges ~245mm)

-WZ-114’s upper plate is not all one thickness. Towards the upper edges its thickness drops from 170mm down to 136mm, which makes it an easy penetration in a facehug.

This also shows how the gun can cover 3 weakpoints at once, the left hatch, the right cheek weakness, and the machine gun port. In this situation its best to shoot the viewport on the top right of the turret, the upper plate edges, or (if you have around 320mm+ HEAT) you could keep trying to hit that machine gun on the left of the main gun.


WZ-114 mounts a 130mm gun

-Alpha damage is 470 on AP, 390 on HEAT, and 600 on HE.
-It has a 12.9s reload giving it 2189 DPM.
-Penetration on AP is 252mm, HEAT is 308mm, and HE is 65mm.
Estimated aim time is 3.5/3.7s
Base aim time is 2s, but it can get down to 1.67s.
-Dispersion is 0.362/0.326
Gun handling is 0.25/0.25/0.17, or 0.21/0.21/0.15 with Vertical Stabilizer.
-Gun depression is -9 degrees, which is very good when coupled with a strong turret and small profile.

While the stats may not show it, this gun is actually quite good. The reload and DPM are slightly lower than other similar heavy tanks, but its only by a very small amount, and the alpha damage makes up for it.

Standard penetration is good, premium is slightly below average. Accuracy is decent but not amazing, but aim time is extremely good.
The gun handling is poor, but you don’t really feel this in battle due to that good aim time (and since the tank is fairly slow). Gun depression is amazing and makes for a very comfortable combination with the quick aim and high alpha.

The gun feels better than you would expect based off the stats, but its nothing overpowered or insane.


-Top speed is 32km/h forwards, and -14km/h in reverse
-Traverse speed is 29 deg/s on hard terrain, and 24.2 deg/s on medium terrain.
-In game acceleration rate is shown as 13.2 hp/t, it has an decent 579hp engine for its 44 ton weight.
-Actual acceleration rate is 12 hp/t on hard terrain, and 11 hp/t on medium terrain.
Terrain resistances are 1.1/1.2/1.7

The mobility of this tank may seem unimpressive and sluggish, but its really not as bad as it looks.
The top speed may be limited, but its not terrible, and the tank doesn’t struggle to get up to speed quickly. The acceleration of this tank is good (for the type of tank that this is), and it saves the tank’s mobility from being terrible. Its ability to fairly quickly accelerate to its top speed and get up hills with relative ease are noticeable.

What’s slow is the traverse speed, which is does slow the tank down a fair bit, especially when turning a corner. Improved control is actually a good equipment choice due to this limited top speed and poor traverse.

Overall the mobility isn’t bad, but is also nothing special. Its more mobile than tanks like the E 75, but still less mobile than a Conqueror.

Provisions & consumable loadout

WZ-114 has Sandbag Armour and Reactive Armour.

Running 6% sandbag armour, 10% fuel, and 10% food gives this tank the best performance.

While the top speed is low and better acceleration isn’t really needed, 10% fuel is essential, as without it the WZ-114 can be circled extremely easily due to slow turret and hull traverse.

6% sandbag armour can’t be dropped as HP is the main feature of the tank, and really helps the tank to be effective in battle.

10% food just makes everything about the tank better so that also can’t be dropped.

Adrenaline rush, large repair kit, and reactive armour should be the consumables used on this tank.

Adrenaline paired with reactive armour allows this tank to have a huge advantage in a 1v1 situation, and outside of a 1v1 they just give the tank better performance and durability. Large repair kit is needed to repair tank modules.

If you were to drop one of these consumables to take another repair kit, drop adrenaline. Adrenaline has much less impact as the gun has a 13s reload, while reactive armour has a much larger impact due to the durable nature of this tank and its already high hitpoints.

Equipment loadout

Gun Rammer:
The WZ-114 has a fairly long reload and low DPM, and not taking a gun rammer would only worsen it. Blitz is a fast-paced game, and it has fast-paced battles, the 13.1s reload and 2161 DPM that a gun rammer give are almost essential with the game’s fast meta.

The tank’s penetration is definitely not low to the point that its unusable, so there isn’t really any need to use calibrated shells; especially as doing so would give the tank a 13.9s reload and 2035 DPM. Use a gun rammer, it would improve the reload time from 13.9s down to 12.9s, and improve the DPM from 2035 up to 2188.

Improved Assembly:
The armour of the WZ-114 is very strong, and there would be benefits to using enhanced armour, such as strengthening the hull shoulders, or the turret weakpoints next to the gun and on the cheeks.

However, the WZ-114 is a more HP focused tank, and enhanced armour wouldn’t be all that noticeable (hatches and lower plate too weak to enhance, turret and upper plate don’t need enhancing).

Using improved assembly would make the HP of this tank stack very well with its provisions and consumables. With 6% sandbag armour and improved assembly, this tank has 2464 HP, with both sandbag armour provisions and improved assembly, it has 2530 HP. Its an impressive increase from its 2200 base HP.

Vertical Stabilizer:
Considering the poor gun handling of the WZ-114, vertical stabilizer is essential. Its also the very definition of a brawling heavy tank, high durability and armour that should fight in close range.

Refined gun would not be useful, as this tank should generally not be fighting at long ranges.
In close range fights and brawls (where heavies mostly fight), good gun handling is much more beneficial as you are constantly moving your tank, so use a vertical stabilizer.

This tank also just has quite bad gun handling, and its only saved by the fact it can use vertical stabilizer to improve it, along with its amazing base aim time.

Consumable Delivery System:
A large part of this tank’s gameplay will be using reactive armour to absorb hits. Most engagements won’t last more than 15s (the duration of reactive armour), and therefore having a longer use of the consumable would be useless. If enemies see you using the consumable, generally they wont sit there and trade DPM with you as their shots don’t do as much damage. If enemies are still shooting you after 15s, by this point you should have the upper hand in HP and be able to kill them soon, or your tank is about to lose all HP anyway, and the extra 4s duration wouldn’t have mattered.

Use consumable delivery system, as it makes the cooldown 10s faster from 75s to 65s, and you can use reactive armour multiple times in a battle. 

Gameplay advice

WZ-114 is actually quite unique in its tier in terms of how it plays. The tank its most similar to is the E 75, but it still has quite a few notable gameplay and statistical differences.

Hide the lower plate.
The tank doesn’t even need to be using gun depression for this to be effective. The lower plate is by far the largest and easiest weakpoint to target on the tank, so hiding it makes it immediately harder for enemy tanks to penetrate. Hiding the lower plate means that enemies have to take time to aim for the hatch or the various other weakpoints on the turret, the hull really has no weakpoint once the lower plate gets hidden.

Use gun depression.
The WZ-114 is perfectly suited to gun depression positions, great hull armour, a strong turret, -9 gun depression, and the perfect gun to trade shots with. Approach a ridgeline, poke up, shoot, then fall back and reload. Your gun will out-trade most enemies you face, and your turret armour is extremely strong; enemies can’t do much against a WZ-114 other than aim for its hatch and hope it misses.

Don’t ever just sit out on a ridgeline though, while the turret armour is good, if you don’t retreat to reload, enemies will have more than enough time to aim for the hatch on the front of the turret. While not an insanely large weakpoint, it is easily penetrated and is not small.

Learn to turn the turret and gun to hide the hatch: 
It may take some trial and error, but it will be worth it. Due to the hatch being right on the front of the turret, it makes it relatively easy to hide, especially as the gun is quite a large caliber. You can put the gun up, aimed towards the upper left (from player perspective) of the screen, which should put the gun barrel over the hatch of your tank, making it a harder shot to hit or penetrate. This skill can help enormously in a facehug, 1v1, or just using armour in general.

Don’t hesitate to use reactive armour.
The biggest strength of the 114 is its high HP, and part of that high HP is using your special consumable to lengthen lifetime of your tank. Reducing the damage you take from enemies will make your already high HP seem even higher (to put it into perspective, imagine a TOG II* or Maus with this consumable).

-When getting into a front-on engagement, or when you expect enemies to penetrate you multiple times, if you are unable to hide your lower plate, or if you get rushed; these are all good situations to use reactive armour in.
-Don’t use it if you can easily control the engagement: such as when you are hulldown, if enemies are on low hp/retreating, or your allies push with you to overwhelm enemies.

The WZ-114 can sidescrape relatively well, as its shoulders are well angled and not weak (around 300mm). However the angled side part of the lower plate does stick out when you angle the tank (shown below).  If you do sidescrape, be prepared to take shots from that lower plate.

-The front drive wheel and the tracks themselves are weak, so only reverse out when you’re fully reloaded, keep the hull front hidden is you’re not ready to shoot. Doing this will either result in the enemy being baited into shooting the hull side and bouncing, or at least ensuring that when you pull back to shoot, you have damage ready to trade with the enemy.

Note that angled lower plate, and the track penetration. This is from a 122mm gun with 248mm AP penetration.

Tank gameplay:


The WZ-114’s gameplay is a kind of strange mix between a regular gun-depression heavy tank and a well-armoured superheavy. It can absorb damage and has the solid armour of a superheavy, but has the gun depression reliability and acceleration of more conventional heavy tanks. 

It feels like a very comfortable tank to play, and is very reliable at doing well in battle. Overall its a good tank with quite unique characteristics which make its gameplay familiar yet different.

Is it worth getting?

The WZ-114 is not worth getting if you don’t enjoy fairly immobile heavies with slower-paced, damage trading gameplay. Its also similar enough to the E75 that you can get a fairly similar gameplay experience from a tech tree tank (E 75) tank for free.

However, if you like the sound of a very reliable and durable tank, it is worth getting. Its strong, durable, relatively slow, and has a very consistent gun. It crosses gameplay of superheavy tanks with the gameplay of reliable gun depression tanks, its a nice combination of these two types of heavy tanks.

The WZ-114 is worth 14,500 gold, the tank is good, but not OP, and its also not game-changingly different. Though, it does grind good credits, and is quite unique with its high durability and gun depression. Its overall just a very comfortable and reliable tank to play.

Most recently sold for:

New release crates – January 2022
Prize draw – April 2023
Auction – August 2023
11,000 gold (Tank & equipment) – Black Friday November 2023
CNY event – February 2024

“Zhulong” camo: 3D, animated, costs 5,000 gold.

Historical Note:

WZ-114 is a fully fabricated tank. Wargaming claims it was
“As part of a program to create domestic vehicles, Chinese designers developed a project to build the WZ-114 heavy tank. The vehicle was notably different from its Soviet counterparts and was considered to be quite promising. However, it was never actually built.”

This is untrue, Chinese heavy tank development ended with the 113; and medium tanks were developed off the Type 59 (T-54A) and WZ-122 (designed with influence from a captured T-62).

No heavy tanks came after the 113, and there were no tanks that used elements of the “WZ-114” in later Chinese tank design, so these statements by Wargaming are false.

Design elements:

A slightly modified and heavily armoured Object 120 (SU-152 Taran) turret serves as the WZ-114’s turret.

The gun it uses is the same gun as many tanks in the Chinese tree in the game, the Type 59 130mm (59-130M) gun. This gun dates to 1959.
This gun is also mounted on the WZ-111 5A, WZ-111 1-4, WZ-111G FT, and WZ-111-1G FT.

The hull is just that of a 112, but with a modified front plate, and made slightly narrower. The length and height are identical, along with much of the tank’s engine deck, suspension, and hull rear design.

The engine is the V-2-45SC, SC being “supercharged” (its not). This is a “supercharged” version of the IS-3M or T-54’s engine.

WG has somehow made inaccuracies on their own fake tank.

The gun model is wrong.
You can see in-game what the 59-130 gun looks like, it has a very long barrel (52.7 calibers), with a distinctive muzzle brake.

Interestingly, WG decided to use the 122mm gun model, from when this tank was a tier 8 heavy in WoT PC supertesting.
This gun model is that of the Type 86 (W-86) 122mm howitzer, with a short barrel length of just 32 calibers (L32). This gun was used on the PLZ-89 howitzer, and dates to 1989.

As the gun caliber in game was changed to a 130mm, the new length in calibers is L30. Due to the shortened barrel, this gun should technically have far less penetrating power than the original 59-130, (it doesn’t, as all Cold War/modern guns in game have significantly less penetration than in reality).

The engine has the wrong power and name.
We can give WG the benefit of the doubt, and say, this engine is the V-2-54 from the Type 59, just not being renamed to the Chinese designation 12150L.

The engine power of this “supercharged” engine, is actually less than the original engine, only outputting 470 horsepower, instead of the original 520 horsepower.

The reason for this is just WG being lazy and not being bothered to rename engines. The WZ-114 on WoT PC is a 70 ton behemoth, which needs a supercharged version of this engine (outputting 850 horsepower), as it weighs 24 tons heavier than the WZ-114 in Blitz.

WG just ported the same name for all the modules into Blitz, hence why the “supercharged” engine has less power than the actual V-2-54.

An easy solution would just be to name the engine V-2-54R (reduced), or just give it a completely different engine, such as the Type 102S (480 horsepower) from the T-34-1.

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